42 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands: Opportunities and threats to nascent entrepreneurship

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    Derde editie van ‘Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands’. In drie bijdragen wordt ingegaan op de fase voor de start van een nieuw bedrijf. De rol van prestarters in de Nederlandse economie wordt beschreven. Het stimuleringsbeleid ten aanzien van prestarters komt aan de orde, met bijzondere aandacht voor de stimulering van ondernemerschap in het onderwijs. Tot slot wordt een vergelijking gemaakt tussen de ontwikkeling van prestarters in de Verenigde Staten en die in Nederland. De verschillen tussen Nederland en de VS worden uitgelegd in de context van verschillen tussen de nationale, culturele, politieke en economische systemen in de twee landen.

    Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands: Ambitious entrepreneurs: the driving force for the next millennium

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    Studie naar de dynamiek van jonge bedrijven en snelgroeiende bedrijven in Nederland, Denemarken, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de Verenigde Staten en Zweden. In Nederland zijn er relatief weinig bedrijven met hoge werkgelegenheidsgroei. In tegenstelling tot andere landen ontwikkelt de Nederlandse overheid wel beleid om snelgroeiende bedrijven te ondersteunen.

    Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands; Knowledge transfer: developing high-tech ventures

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    This is the sixth edition of the series 'Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands'. The series started in 1997 and is a joint publication of the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and EIM Business and Policy Research. This 2003 edition deals with knowledge transfer from universities and other knowledge institutes to innovative start-ups. In addition to experts from EIM and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Professor Alan Hughes, director of the Centre of Business Research (CBR) based at the University of Cambridge, gives his opinion on the Dutch entrepreneurial situation and the policy developed.

    Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands; Business transfer

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    This report is the eighth edition of the series 'Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands'. As demonstrated by the name of the series, the reports focus on entrepreneurship but each year a different aspect of entrepreneurship is studied. This eight report deals with business transfer. In the coming years many entrepreneurs in the Netherlands as well as in Europe will retire and cease trading. This will create a large number of enterprises that will be for sale. However at this stage the market for buying and selling such businesses, at least in the Netherlands, is not very well developed and there is a risk that successful enterprises will be closed unnecessarily. In the framework of their entrepreneurship policy, governments as well as the European Commission have developed actions to stimulate a smooth acquisition of these enterprises. In this report, the business transfer case in the Netherlands and the policy developed by the Dutch Government are described.

    Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands; New economy: new entrepreneurs!

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    Dit onderzoek beschrijft de belangrijkheid van bestaande en startende bedrijven voor de Nederlandse economie. In drie bijdragen wordt uit verschillende invalshoeken ingegaan op de relatie tussen ondernemerschap en de nieuwe economie. De effecten van ICT op het economische proces worden behandeld. Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op de vraag of de 21ste eeuw een nieuwe gouden eeuw zal zijn voor ondernemerschap. Tot slot komt de rol van kennisgerichte bedrijven in de nieuwe economie uit macro-economisch oogpunt aan de orde.

    More and Better Jobs in Home-Care Services

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    [Excerpt] This study examines recruitment and retention measures in community-based care and support services for adults with disabilities and health problems. It focuses on 10 EU Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. It examines 30 case studies from these countries, analysing initiatives that were successful either in creating more jobs in the provision of health and social care for adults in the community or in improving the quality of jobs, with the aim of both attracting new recruits and retaining existing staff

    Long-term CIN3 risk in women with abnormal cytology; Role of hrHPV testing

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    Background: Many studies have examined the short-term value of high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) testing in predicting cumulative risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or cancer (CIN3). This study focuses on long-term CIN3 risk after initial wait and see policy. Methods: A total of 342 women with abnormal cytology of borderline/mild dyskaryosis (BMD) or worse (>BMD), included between 1990 and 1992, were followed-up by cytology and hrHPV testing until 1996 and monitored by cytology thereafter. Primary endpoint was cumulative CIN3 risk by December 2009.Results:Women with BMD had a 5-year CIN3 risk of 22.5% (95% confidence interval (CI) 17.0-29.1) and of 0.7% (0.1-4.5) in the subsequent 5 years. High-risk human papillomavirus-negative women with BMD had a 5-year risk of <0.01% (95% CI <0.0-5.1) and of 0.01% (0.0-5.7) in the following 5 years, while for hrHPV-positive women these risks were 37.5% (29.0-46.9) and 1.6% (0.2-9.5), respectively. Women with BMD< had a 5-year risk of 45.1% (36.4-54.1) and of 3.5% (0.9-12.2) in the subsequent 5 years. High-risk human papillomavirus-negative women with < BMD had a 5-year risk of 7.3% (2.0-23.6) and hrHPV-positive women of 56.6% (46.4-66.3). Conclusion: Women with BMD have an elevated CIN3 risk for 5 years only; afterwards their risk is similar to the general population. High-risk human papillomavirus-negative women with BMD may return to regular screening directly. All other women with ≥ BMD should be referred for additional testing and/or colposcopy

    Prediction of torsional failure in 22 cadaver femora with and without simulated subtrochanteric metastatic defects: a CT scan-based finite element analysis

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    BACKGROUND: In metastatic bone disease, prophylactic fixation of impending long bone fracture is preferred over surgical treatment of a manifest fracture. There are no reliable guidelines for prediction of pathological fracture risk, however. We aimed to determine whether finite element (FE) models constructed from quantitative CT scans could be used for predicting pathological fracture load and location in a cadaver model of metastatic bone disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Subject-specific FE models were constructed from quantitative CT scans of 11 pairs of human femora. To simulate a metastatic defect, a transcortical hole was made in the subtrochanteric region in one femur of each pair. All femora were experimentally loaded in torsion until fracture. FE simulations of the experimental set-up were performed and torsional stiffness and strain energy density (SED) distribution were determined. RESULTS: In 15 of the 22 cases, locations of maximal SED fitted with the actual fracture locations. The calculated torsional stiffness of the entire femur combined with a criterion based on the local SED distribution in the FE model predicted 82% of the variance of the experimental torsional failure load. INTERPRETATION: In the future, CT scan-based FE analysis may provide a useful tool for identification of impending pathological fractures requiring prophylactic stabilization

    Overtime in Europe : regulation and practice

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    Aquest informe s'elabora a partir de les diferents contribucions de la Network of Eurofound Correspondents, i pel que fa a Espanya la contribució ha estat de l'ALejandro GodinoDespite the well-known adverse effects of regular long working hours on workers' health, well-being and performance, many workers in the EU continue to work beyond their normal hours. Part of this additional working time is classified as overtime. This report takes a comparative overview of how overtime is regulated in the EU Member States, Norway and the United Kingdom, including its definition, the limits on its use and the compensation received by workers for working extra hours. The report assesses the extent of the phenomenon using national-level data, delves into the factors that explain it, and examines the potential consequences for workers and firms. Finally, the report summarises the current debate on the topic, as uncompensated working hours, structural overtime and monitoring of working hours are currently some of the most discussed work-related issues across the EU

    Social partners going digital: using digital tools and adapting social dialogue processes

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoDigital transformation is changing the world of work. This report looks at how social partners - the actors involved in the regulation of employment relationships - are increasingly adopting technological solutions to improve the services that they provide to their members and facilitate collective bargaining processes. Technological tools offer social partners the opportunity to enhance consultation, engage with their members through digitised processes, improve services and increase networking activities, as well as addressing the issue of membership decline. The findings of this report show that the extent to which the social partners use digital technologies varies greatly across the EU Member States, Norway and the United Kingdom. Provisions in collective agreements on several aspects of digitalisation have been identified in about half of the countries. Through these provisions, social partners encourage their members to boost training on digital skills, ensure fair and safe working conditions and take account of data protection and employee monitoring practices. The European social partners' autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation has provided inspiration to national-level organisations, and follow-up actions in this regard have the potential to greatly benefit their members